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5 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
(scribbles) Add API integration package
All checks were successful
Publish / publish (push) Successful in 11s
2025-02-06 20:02:23 +01:00
(eglot) Add phpactor lsp 2025-02-06 20:02:18 +01:00
(elfeed) Add keybinding for staring a entry 2025-02-06 20:02:12 +01:00
🐛 (elfeed) Remove faulty face adjustment 2025-02-06 20:00:39 +01:00
🔐 Update authinfo.gpg 2025-02-06 20:00:17 +01:00
3 changed files with 39 additions and 11 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -476,15 +476,6 @@ Sometimes (most often a work) I share my screen during a video call to discuss s
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :font mmk2410/fixed-font-name :height mmk2410/fixed-font-present-height :weight 'regular))
Additionally like to adjust some faces to my personal liking.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'elfeed
(set-face-attribute 'message-header-subject nil
:font mmk2410/variable-font-name
:height 220))
** Set theme
Installing and enabling Gruvbox light theme. /Disabled in favor of the Doom themes./
@ -1923,6 +1914,8 @@ Source: [[][GitHub:joaotavora/eglot]]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package eglot
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(php-mode . ("~/.local/bin/phpactor" "language-server")))
:hook ((python-mode . eglot-ensure)
(go-mode . eglot-ensure)
(php-mode . eglot-ensure)
@ -2264,8 +2257,14 @@ Source: [[][GitHub: skeeto/elfeed]]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package elfeed
:demand t
:config (setq elfeed-sort-order 'ascending)
:bind (("C-c e" . elfeed)))
(setq elfeed-sort-order 'ascending)
(defun my/elfeed-search-toggle-star ()
(elfeed-search-toggle-all 'star))
:bind (("C-c e" . elfeed)
:map elfeed-search-mode-map
("f" . my/elfeed-search-toggle-star)))
** Storing articles

packages/scribbles.el Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
;;; scribbles.el --- Scribbles Integration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Integration with my Scribbles microblog on
;;; Code:
(require 'json)
(require 'plz)
(defun scribbles--get-api-key ()
"Get Scribbles API key from auth store."
(let ((result (auth-source-search :host "" :user "scribbles")))
(if result
(funcall (plist-get (car result) :secret))
(defun scribbles--build-headers ()
"Build headers for Scribbles Lab API request."
`(("Content-Type" . "application/json")
("Api-Key" . ,(scribbles--get-api-key))))
(defun scribbles-post (message)
"Post MESSAGE to Scribbles."
(interactive "sScribble: ")
(plz 'post ""
:headers (scribbles--build-headers)
:body (json-encode `(("text" . ,message)))))
;;; scribbles.el ends here