[ŧab-bar-helper] Include in main config
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 5 additions and 78 deletions
@ -2194,84 +2194,11 @@ The following function from him takes care of the other way: bringing a message
* Helpers
** Tab Bar Setup
Since version 27 Emacs features a tab bar. In contrast to e.g. a browser a tab does not display just one file/buffer/window but an Emacs tab features an entire window configuration. Since I use Emacs not just for programming but (perhaps even mainly) for personal information management (including mail, agenda, journal, IRC and RSS) I had the idea to have one Emacs frame open with different tabs for all these things. Therefore I wrote a ~mmk2410/tab-bar-setup~ function (bound to =C-c f C-f=) creating the following setup:
- First tab: *Mail* with mu4e
- Second tab: *Agenda / Journal* with an Org agenda on the left and an Org journal on the right
- Third tab: *IRC* with ERC
- Fourth tab: *RSS* with elfeed
This is accompanied with five helper functions to switch to the wished application in the correct tab and window.
| *Applicaton* | *Command* | *Keybinding* |
| Mail | ~mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-mail~ | =C-c f m= |
| Agenda | ~mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-agenda~ | =C-c f a= |
| Journal | ~mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-journal~ | =C-c f j= |
| IRC | ~mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-irc~ | =C-c f i= |
| RSS | ~mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-rss~ | =C-c f r= |
Since version 27 Emacs features a tab bar. In contrast to e.g. a browser a tab does not display just one file/buffer/window but an Emacs tab features an entire window configuration. Since I use Emacs not just for programming but (perhaps even mainly) for personal information management (including mail, agenda, journal, IRC and RSS) I had the idea to have one Emacs frame open with different tabs for all these things. Therefore I wrote a small package found in =packages/mmk2410-tab-bar-helpers.el= which I explain in a [[https://mmk2410.org/2022/02/11/using-emacs-tab-bar-mode/][dedicated blog post]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-setup ()
"Enable tab bar and setup mu4e, Org Journal, Org Agenda and ERC."
(tab-bar-mode 1)
;; Disabled since I'm currently not using mu4e that much (see Evolution Mail and mu4e setup).
;; (tab-bar-rename-tab "Mail")
;; (mu4e-context-switch :name "Private")
;; (mu4e)
;; (sit-for 1)
;; (tab-bar-new-tab)
(tab-bar-rename-tab "Agenda / Journal")
(org-agenda nil "c")
(sit-for 1)
(other-window 1)
(sit-for 1)
(tab-bar-rename-tab "IRC")
(sit-for 1)
(switch-to-buffer "Libera.Chat")
(tab-bar-rename-tab "RSS")
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-mail ()
"Switch to mail tab."
(tab-bar-switch-to-tab "Mail"))
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-agenda ()
"Switch to agenda/journal tab and there in the agenda window."
(tab-bar-switch-to-tab "Agenda / Journal")
(unless (string= (buffer-name) "*Org Agenda*")
(other-window 1)))
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-journal ()
"Switch to agenda/journal tab and there in the journal window."
(tab-bar-switch-to-tab "Agenda / Journal")
(if (string= (buffer-name) "*Org Agenda*")
(other-window 1)))
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-irc ()
"Switch to IRC tab."
(tab-bar-switch-to-tab "IRC"))
(defun mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-rss ()
"Switch to RSS tab."
(tab-bar-switch-to-tab "RSS"))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f C-f") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-setup)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f m") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-mail)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f a") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f j") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-journal)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f i") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-irc)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f r") 'mmk2410/tab-bar-switch-to-rss)
(use-package mmk2410-tab-bar-helpers
:after (hydra)
:load-path "packages/"
:bind ("C-c f" . mmk2410/tab-bar/body))
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