Marcel Kapfer mmk2410
mmk2410 deleted branch master from mmk2410/nextDESIGN 2020-09-23 19:15:42 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to main at mmk2410/nextDESIGN 2020-09-23 19:14:06 +02:00
mmk2410 deleted branch master from mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-23 19:12:50 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to main at mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-23 19:12:05 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-23 19:11:42 +02:00
65dc5a65e6 Fixed typo in README
mmk2410 deleted branch master from mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-23 00:06:44 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to main at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-23 00:06:19 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-19 23:23:53 +02:00
98059d4484 [aurup] Colorfull output and more output
862764bd3b [aurup] Updated repos, if updates are available. Other exit with 1
9d45e740a8 [aurup] Show outdated packages at the beginning
df3c74765f [aurup] store and revert current path
Compare 4 commits »
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-19 16:48:57 +02:00
13be70851a [aurup] Small fish script for updating AUR packages with auracle
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-18 11:31:20 +02:00
94c4238ffc [herbstluftwm] Run Emacs with org-agenda on Super+Control+a
e090581f49 [herbstluftm] Run Emacs Anywhere on Super+Control+Return
6524ed392e [herbstluftwm] Added rofi -show run on Super-x
70a30b6274 [herbstluftwm] Moved rofi -show combi to Super-Tab
Compare 4 commits »
mmk2410 pushed tag v2020.2.2 to deb/intellij-idea-ultimate 2020-09-17 18:00:59 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to master at deb/intellij-idea-ultimate 2020-09-17 18:00:56 +02:00
7cdc538d5c Upstream Version 2020.2.2
mmk2410 pushed tag v2020.2.2 to deb/intellij-idea-community 2020-09-17 15:28:57 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to master at deb/intellij-idea-community 2020-09-17 15:28:55 +02:00
e1027d6140 Upstream Version 2020.2.2
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-16 16:16:03 +02:00
1a0e68bb1e [systemd: mbsync] Added SystemD mbsync service and timer
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/dotfiles 2020-09-16 15:55:18 +02:00
a2936f9d9c [Rofi] Switch to Iosevka font
311eb77e7b [HerbstluftWM] Make room on the top for the panel
8ddd17ca3a [HerbstluftWM] Auto detect monitor size
dcc3b2a59d [HerbstluftWM] Remove autostart programs started with SystemD
Compare 4 commits »
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-11 10:01:18 +02:00
56cc4308a8 Added Window Build Instructions
mmk2410 pushed tag v0.2.0 to mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-11 09:08:23 +02:00
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-11 09:06:08 +02:00
eef51b5a43 Switch README format from Markdown to Org-Mode
mmk2410 pushed to master at mmk2410/wikicookbook 2020-09-11 09:04:08 +02:00
b69a97a47f Better changelog formatting