Clear fields after recipe code creating #2

opened 2020-05-04 14:48:40 +02:00 by lenfee96 · 3 comments


lenfee96 changed title from Clearing fields after contant is added to Clearing fields after content is added 2020-05-04 14:50:03 +02:00
mmk2410 changed title from Clearing fields after content is added to Clear fields after recipe code creating 2020-05-05 14:25:28 +02:00

I would add to things:

  • offer cleaning all fields when closing the wiki code dialog (if the copy button has been clicked at least once) with a confirmation dialog
  • Add a menu entry for cleaning all fields (also with a confirmation dialog)

Is this ok for you?

I would add to things: * offer cleaning all fields when closing the wiki code dialog (if the copy button has been clicked at least once) with a confirmation dialog * Add a menu entry for cleaning all fields (also with a confirmation dialog) Is this ok for you?
mmk2410 added the
label 2020-05-05 14:27:30 +02:00



Closed in master. Will be in the next release.

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Reference: mmk2410/wikicookbook#2
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