#Mensaplan [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/qubyte/rubidium.svg)]() [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/mashape/apistatus.svg)]() A python script for viewing the menu of the canteens of the Studierendenwerk Ulm in Ulm. The supported canteens are: - Mensa University - CafeteriaB - Southside Burgerbar - Bistro - Cafeteria West - WestSideDiner - Mensa Hochschule ##Usage After making the mensaplan.py executable with `chmod +x mensaplan.py` you have the following options: ``` ./mensaplan.py place Print the todays menu at the place. ./mensaplan.py place [mon, thu, wed, thur, fri] Print the menu at the place of the given weekday. Supported places are: Mensa University: mensa Bistro: bistro Burgerbar Southside: burgerbar CafeteriaB: cafeteriab Cafeteria West: west West Side Diner: westside Mensa Hochschule: hochschule ``` ## Credits Thanks a lot at [Thomas Lukaseder](https://github.com/seder) and his [Mensaplan Parser](https://github.com/seder/mensaplan-parser). ## License MIT License