#!/bin/bash # TiTaMa - A web time table manager # Shell script for initialiying the whole thing # 2015 (c) Marcel Kapfer (mmk2410) # MIT License echo echo "Welcome to TiTaMa." echo echo "To initialize TiTaMa please enter the following values." echo echo -n "Database Host: " read -r host echo -n "Database User: " read -r user echo -n "Database Name: " read -r db echo -n "Database password: " read -r password echo config=$( cat << EOF // MIT License \$dbhost = "$host"; \$dbuser = "$user"; \$dbname = "$db"; \$dbpassword = "$password"; EOF ) data=$( cat << EOF Database Host: $host Database User: $user Database Name: $db Database Password: $password EOF ) if [[ -s ./res/php/config.php ]]; then echo -n "File already exists. Do you want to override it? (y/n) " read -r option if [[ "$option" == "y" ]]; then echo echo "$data" echo echo -n "Is the data right? (y/n) " read -r correct if [[ "$correct" == "y" ]]; then echo "$config" > ./res/php/config.php else echo "Aborting" echo exit fi else echo "Exiting without overriding the existing file." echo exit fi else echo echo "$data" echo echo -n "Is the data right? (y/n) " read -r correct if [[ "$correct" == "y" ]]; then echo "$config" > ./res/php/config.php else echo "Aborting" echo exit fi fi add_info=$( cat << EOF Additional Information: To use TiTaMa you have to initialize the MySQL database of your system. Please follow the instruction of your operating systems. After that you should create a user. You can do so in the MySQL CLI with this commands: CREATE USER '$user'@'$host' IDENTIFIED BY '$password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '$user'@'$host' WITH GRANT OPTION; Then create the database: CREATE DATABASE $db and last create the table: CREATE TABLE $db.Titama( id INT(7) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, kind TEXT, room TEXT, day TEXT, time TEXT, prof TEXT); EOF ) echo echo "$add_info" echo echo "Have fun using TiTaMa!" echo