library; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:async'; import '../common/messages.dart'; /** * Class for writing and loading the courses as JSON to a file. */ class TitamaIo { final _filename = "./data.json"; /** * Write courses as JSON in a file. * @param List _course List of courses to save. */ writeJson(List _courses) async { String _json = JSON.encode(_courses); await new File(_filename).writeAsString(_json); } /** * Read a saved json file. * @return Future> future with list of courses. */ Future> readJson() async { List courses = new List(); File data = new File(_filename); if (await data.exists()) { String _content = await data.readAsString(); Map parsed = JSON.decode(_content); for (int i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) { courses.add(new Course.fromJson(parsed[i])); } } return courses; } }