A collection of more or less useful scripts (for UNIX-based systems).
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2017-07-29 21:56:31 +02:00
android-studio-hidpi Added README for android-studio-hidpi 2017-07-29 21:42:01 +02:00
blogger2rangitaki All scripts in one repository 2015-11-12 22:36:23 +01:00
buildpdf buildpdf: fixed readme 2017-07-29 21:51:23 +02:00
cpy_pst All scripts in one repository 2015-11-12 22:36:23 +01:00
eclipse-version-scraping Eclipse Version Scraping: Quick fix and version bump 2017-02-11 01:49:26 +01:00
intellij-hidpi Added README to intellij-hidpi 2017-07-29 21:44:32 +02:00
jekyll2rangitaki All scripts in one repository 2015-11-12 22:40:06 +01:00
md2html All scripts in one repository 2015-11-12 22:36:23 +01:00
pblog2rangitaki All scripts in one repository 2015-11-12 22:36:23 +01:00
svn-log-count Added README to svn-log-count 2017-07-29 21:56:31 +02:00
README.md Updated readme 2016-11-21 17:49:58 +01:00


A collection of all my scripts - written in different Language

How to use

If nothing other is written, do this:

  1. Download the script you want.
  2. Run chmod +x script to make it executable
  3. Run it with ./script


A script for automatically creating PDf files from a latex document. You can set the amounts of builds and the time between the builds.

Usage: ./buildpdf.sh filename [build amount] [time between builds in s]


A small but useful script for copying and pasting files and directories once or more often.

Install: sudo make install


cpy filename # Copies a file / directory
pst filename # Pasts a file / directory

Remove: sudo make uninstall


This is a small script for enabling and disabling HiDPI support on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition on every Linux distribution where IntelliJ is installed in /usr/share/intellijidea-ce/. If the installation is somewhere else you have to change the variable IDEA_PATH.


  • Help: ./intellij-hidpi.sh -h
  • Enable ./intellij-hidpi.sh -e
  • Disable ./intellij-hidpi.sh -d


This is a small script for enabling and disabling HiDPI support in Android Stuido on every linux distribution where Android Stuido is installed in /opt/android-studio. If the installation is somewhere else you have to change the variable STUDIO_PATH.


  • Help: ./android-studio-hidpi.sh -h
  • Enable ./android-studio-hidpi.sh -e
  • Disable ./android-studio-hidpi.sh -d


A small script for converting Jekyll markdown blog posts to Rangitaki blog posts.

How to use

You don"t have to install anything. Just run

ruby jekyll2rangitaki.rb


chmod +x jekyll2rangitaki.rb

The converter will read all .md and .markdown in the directory ./in/, so copy the blog posts, you want to convert into this directory, and it will then throw the converted files out into the directory ./out/.

PHP Scripts

These scripts are not for web development, there for executing on your computer. Just like a bash script, but written in PHP. There also written for Linux. I have no idea if they run under another system and I'm not going to test it (if you tested it and if they worked, write me a mail at marcelmichaelkapfer@yahoo.co.nz and I will add it to this README).

In order to use these scripts you have to install php on your computer.

Here are installation instruction for a few distributions:

Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S php-cgi

sudo apt-get install php5-cli

sudo dnf install php-cli


md2html is a simple script that converts markdown files to html code and optionally saves it into a .txt or .html file. The library that powers the whole thing is Parsedown.


To use this script, install php (see the section above) and run the following command:

sudo make install

You have to add /opt/md2html to your open_basedir in php.ini


Print the help:

md2html --help

To just print out the HTML code of the given .md file run:

md2html text.md

To print the HTML code into a .txt or .html file run:

md2html text.md text.html

If you pass a .html file for the output it will automatically add a basic HTML5 structure.


This is a small PHP script for converting a Blogger XML to Rangitaki blog posts.

This script uses html-to-markdown to convert the blogposts.


You don't need to install that script on your computer. It is enough to make it runnable:

chmod +x blogger2rangitaki.php

And to run it:

./blogger2rangitaki.php blog.xml

where blog.xml is your Blogger XML file (the exported blog).

This script doesn't import your media files into Rangitaki.


This is a small script which converts pBlog/Rangitaki 0.2.x XML files into Rangitaki blog posts


You don't need to install this script on your computer, it's enough to make it executable:

chmod +x pblog2rangitaki.php

Run it then:

./pblog2rangitaki.php posts.xml

Where posts.xml is your pBlog/Rangitaki 0.2 XML file.

The Rangitaki blog posts are saved in articles/

The <otherlinks> tag is not supported.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create a feature branch with a meaningful name (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add yourself to the CONTRIBUTORS file
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to your branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new pull request