import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:html/parser.dart' as parser; import 'package:html/dom.dart'; /// Entry point of the script. main(List args) async { String path = "./version.txt"; String recipient = ""; String eclipseUrl = ""; String oldVersion = ""; /// Parse the given arguments. if (args.length == 3) { if (args[0] == "--file" || args[0] == "-f") { path = args[1]; recipient = args[2]; } else { help(); } } else if (args.length == 1){ if (args[0] == "--help" || args[0] == "-h") { help(); } else { recipient = args[0]; } } else if (args.length == 0) { help(); } if (!recipient.contains("@")) { print("No correct mail address given."); exit(-1); } http.Response response = await http.get(eclipseUrl); if (response.body.trim().isEmpty) { print("Website not available"); exit(1); } Document document = parser.parse(response.body); String version = document.getElementById("descriptionText").text; if (version.trim().isEmpty) { print("No version information available."); exit(1); } if (!version.contains("(") || !version.contains(")")) { print("Version format seems to have changed."); print("Version string: $version"); exit(2); } version = version.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].trim(); File file = new File(path); if (await file.exists()) { oldVersion = await file.readAsString(); oldVersion = oldVersion.trim(); } else { oldVersion = ""; } if (oldVersion == version) { print("No version change"); exit(0); } file.writeAsString(version); print("A new version is available!"); /// Send mail using the mail command. await "mail", ["-s", "New Eclipse Version: $version", recipient], runInShell: true ); } /// Print the help text and exit the program. help() { print(""" Eclipse Version Scraping 2017 (c) Marcel Kapfer Licensed under GNU GPL v3 dart bin/main.dart [options] recipient -h | --help Print this help and exit -f | --file File to use for saving the version."""); exit(0); }