"""Playground application for working with the todoist api.""" import os from datetime import datetime from todoist_api_python.api import TodoistAPI from tqdm import tqdm from dotenv import load_dotenv # API Documentation: https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v2/?python#tasks # Perhaps helpful: https://github.com/novoid/orgformat counter = { 'projects': 0, 'tasks': 0, 'sections': 0, 'comments': 0 } def get_filename(project_name, extension=True): """Create a filename from a project name.""" filename = project_name.replace(" ", "-") filename = filename.replace("/", "") filename = filename.replace("--", "-") filename = filename.lower() if extension: filename += ".org" return filename def create_output_dir(): """Create the output dir if it doesn't exist.""" output_dir = os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR", "./output") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) def write_file(path, content): """Write a org mode file.""" outputFile = open(path, "w") outputFile.write("\n".join(content)) outputFile.close() def parse_comments(task_id): """Parse comments of a task.""" output = [] comments = api.get_comments(task_id=task_id) counter['comments'] += len(comments) output.append("*** Comments") for comment in comments: output.append(f" - {comment.content}") if comment.attachment: output.append(f" Attachment: {comment.attachment.file_url}") return output def parse_task(task, subtask): """Print a task.""" output = [] if subtask: headline = f"**** TODO {task.content}" else: headline = f"** TODO {task.content}" labels = task.labels if len(labels) > 0: headline += " :" + ":".join(labels) + ":" output.append(headline) if task.due: if task.due.datetime: dueDate = datetime.strptime( task.due.datetime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ) formattedDueDate = dueDate.strftime("<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M>") due = f"SCHEDULED: {formattedDueDate}" output.append(due) elif task.due.date: dueDate = datetime.strptime(task.due.date, "%Y-%m-%d") formattedDueDate = dueDate.strftime("<%Y-%m-%d %a>") due = f"SCHEDULED: {formattedDueDate}" output.append(due) humanDue = (f"*Due: {task.due.string}*") if task.due.is_recurring: humanDue += " (recurring)" output.append(humanDue) output.append("") createdDate = datetime.strptime( task.created_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" ) formattedCreatedDate = createdDate.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M]") output.append(f"CREATED: {formattedCreatedDate}") if task.description: output.append(task.description) if task.comment_count > 0: output.extend(parse_comments(task.id)) output.append("") return output def parse_sections(project_id, tasks): """Print a section.""" output = [] sections = api.get_sections(project_id=project_id) counter['sections'] += len(sections) for section in sections: output.append(f"* {section.name}") output.append("") subtask = False for task in tasks: if task.section_id == section.id: if not subtask and task.parent_id: output.append("*** Subtasks") subtask = True if subtask and not task.parent_id: subtask = False output.extend(parse_task(task, subtask)) return output def parse_project(project, parent_project_name=""): """Parse a project.""" filename = get_filename(project.name) content = [] output_dir = os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR", "./output") if parent_project_name and project.parent_id: content.append(f"#+title: {parent_project_name}: {project.name}") parent_filename = get_filename(parent_project_name, False) path = f"{output_dir}/{parent_filename}_{filename}" else: content.append(f"#+title: {project.name}") path = f"{output_dir}/{filename}" if not project.parent_id: parent_project_name = project.name content.append("#+startup: indent overview") content.append("") content.append("* Normal Tasks") content.append("") tasks = api.get_tasks(project_id=project.id) counter['tasks'] += len(tasks) subtask = False for task in tasks: if not task.section_id: if not subtask and task.parent_id: content.append("*** Subtasks") subtask = True if subtask and not task.parent_id: subtask = False content.extend(parse_task(task, subtask)) content.extend(parse_sections(project.id, tasks)) write_file(path, content) return parent_project_name def print_stats(): """Print some useless stats at the end.""" output = "Retrieved, parsed and stored" output += f" {counter['projects']} projects," output += f" {counter['sections']} sections," output += f" {counter['tasks']} tasks, and" output += f" {counter['comments']} comments." print(output) def parse_projects(): """Parse the list of projects.""" try: print("Retrieving list of projects to start parsing.") projects = api.get_projects() except Exception as error: print(error) counter['projects'] = len(projects) parent_project_name = "" for project in tqdm(projects, "Parsing Projects"): parent_project_name = parse_project(project, parent_project_name) def print_warning(): """Print warning about missing recurrences.""" print( "Please keep in mind that this script does not support recurring " + "items and will only schedule them for next occurence. " + "If a task is recurring then the description will include a note " + "'(recurring)'." ) def main(): """Run the program.""" load_dotenv() global api api = TodoistAPI(os.environ.get("TOKEN", "")) create_output_dir() parse_projects() print_stats() print_warning() if __name__ == "__main__": main()