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2016-02-16 14:54:07 +01:00

144 lines
3.5 KiB

[S] = stable release
[B] = beta release
[D] = development release
[S] release are always compared to the previous [S] release.
Version 1.3.0 (2016-02-16) [S]
- Respecting do-not-track
- Atom feed
- Title fix
- Switch to composer
Version 1.2.1 (2016-01-11) [S]
- Support for PHP 7
Version 1.2.0 (2015-12-24) [S]
- Pagination: Split your blog posts over several page
- JavaScript Extension Support
- RCC: Write Posts
- RCC: Delete Posts
- RCC: Upload Media
- RCC: Edit Posts
Version 1.1.90 (2015-12-21) [B]
- BUGFIX: ArticleGenerator error when no tags set
- Pagination: Localized strings
Version 1.1.2 (2015-12-20) [D]
- Pagination
- Code style imporvements
Version 1.1.1 (2015-12-07) [D]
- BUGFIX: RCC: new post: post title was the blog title
- BUGFIX: RCC: new post filename just the date without the time.
- Code highlight css themable
- JavaScript extension support. Just put your extension into ./extensions/
- Link in RCC to go directly to the blog
- RCC: Delete posts
- RCC: Edit posts
Version 1.1.0 (2015-11-22) [D]
- RCC: Write blog posts
- RCC: Media Upload
- Drawer: Key listener ('ESC' to close, 'm; to open)
- Drawer: Highlight Blogs when hovering
- Drawer: 'X' button
- Metatags / Title based on subblog and / or article
- Update script
Version 1.0.0 (2015-08-22) [S]
- Post writing in Markdown with a few keywords for the title, tags, date and the author (all optional)
- Multiple blogs
- A Subpages for each article with a comment box (Disqus; can be disabled)
- Share buttons (FAB; can be disabled)
- Disqus integration (can be disabled)
- Fast and easy configuration
- Google Analytics (optional)
- Twitter and OpenGraph meta tags
- Different themes
- Easy localization (just 3 (!) strings)
- Custom footer
- Navigation drawer (can be disabled)
- Tags
- Set author and date
- Mobile-first
- Rangitaki Control Center (aka RCC; optional, Read the RCC Documentation)
- Online post upload
Version 0.9.0 (2015-07-25) [B]
- BUGFIX: 'Blogs of {BLOG NAME}' always shown (even if there are no other blogs)
- pictures in articles not centred
- long links longer than article card (especially a problem on mobile devices)
- Localization strings are now grouped in one array
- Better code (in some parts)
Version 0.8.0 (2015-07-14) [B]
- Bugfixes and other improvements
Version 0.7.0 (2015-07-05) [D]
Version 0.6.0 (2015-07-03) [D]
- Localization support. More information will follow soon
- Theme support. More information will follow (hopefully) soon
- Various improvements (Check the commits for more)
Version 0.5.0 (2015-06-16) [D]
- Improvements to the Rangitaki Control Center (rcc)
- Material Design (Blog and rcc)
Version 0.4 (2015-06-14) [D]
- Multiple Blogs
- Online post upload (optional)
- Tags
- Author
Version 0.3 (2015-06-11) [D]
- Portation of all main features of Version 0.2.2
- Code highlighting
The first release with the name Rangitaki.
The following releases are of pBlog.
Version 0.2.2 (2015-05-13) [S]
- Links are now underlined, when you hover over them
- Simplified it to add the disqus comments
- Added and configuration option for setting a favicon
- Added the option to use Google Analytics
Version 0.2.1 / pBlog 2.1 (2015-03-29) [S]
- Fix problems when creating article links
TODO: previous releases