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2015-12-05 18:21:22 +01:00

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Twitter: @Rangitaki
Google+: +Rangitaki
COPYRIGHT (c) 2015 mmk2410
MIT License
* Rangitaki PHP Blogging engine
* @category Blogging
* @package Rbe
* @author Marcel Kapfer (mmk2410) <>
* @license MIT
* @link
// Getting necessary php files
require 'config.php'; // Config file (this must be the first line)
require './lang/' . $language . ".php"; // Language file
require_once 'res/php/Parsedown.php'; // The soul of the beast: Parsedown
require_once 'res/php/ArticleGenerator.php'; // The article generator
require_once './res/php/BlogListGenerator.php'; // and the blog list generator
// Getting some variables ($_GET and $_SERVER)
$getblog = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "blog"); // getting the blog variable
$getarticle = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "article"); // getting the article variable
$gettag = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "tag"); // getting the tag variable
$url = "http://" . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "HTTP_HOST") . filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "REQUEST_URI"); // getting the url (used for sharing)
// Fetching necessary information about the current article
// Set blog to "main" if on main blog, else to $getblog. This variable is needed later
if ($getblog == "") {
$blog = "main";
} else {
$blog = $getblog;
$articlesdir = "./articles/$blog/"; // generate a variable with the articles directory
// Fetching the articles title
if (isset($getarticle)) {
$articletitle = ArticleGenerator::getTitle($articlesdir, $getarticle . '.md');
// Make sure that the entry has a title, because hasn't one
if (empty($blogmainname)) {
$blogmaintitle = $blogtitle;
} else {
$blogmaintitle = $blogmainname;
if (isset($getblog)) {
$subblogtitle = BlogListGenerator::getName('./blogs/' . $getblog . '.md');
} else {
$subblogtitle = $blogmaintitle;
// Generate title for the html head
if (isset($getarticle)) {
$hd_subblog_title = $articletitle . ' - ' . $subblogtitle;
} else {
$hd_subblog_title = $subblogtitle;
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><?php echo $hd_subblog_title; ?></title>
<meta name="author" content="<?php echo $blogauthor; // Setting the blog author ?>"/>
<meta name="description" content="<?php echo $blogdescription; // the blog description ?>"/>
<!-- Meta tag for responsive ui-->
<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0' name='viewport'/>
<!-- OpenGraph meta tags -->
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo $hd_subblog_title; ?>"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo $url; ?>"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo $favicon; ?>"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo $blogdescription; ?>"/>
<meta property="og:locale:alternate" content="<?php echo $lang; ?>"/>
<!-- Twitter meta tags -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"/>
<meta name="twitter:site" content="<?php echo $twitter; ?>"/>
<meta name="twitter:title" content="<?php echo $hd_subblog_title; ?>"/>
<meta name="twitter:description" content="<?php echo $blogdescription; ?>"/>
<meta name="twitter:image" content="<?php echo $favicon; ?>"/>
<meta name="twitter:url" content="<?php echo $url; ?>"/>
<!--CSS files-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="res/css/rangitaki.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./res/css/github-gist.css"> <!-- stylesheet for code highlighting-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/<?php echo $theme; // getting the theme stylesheet?>.css"/>
// Checking if the drawer is enabled
if ($nav_drawer == 'no') {
// Loading additional stylesheet for disabling the drawer?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="res/css/no-nav.css"/>
<link href='//,500,700,300,400italic,100,100italic,900' rel='stylesheet'
type='text/css'> <!--Font-->
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo $favicon; ?>"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="<?php echo $favicon; ?>">
<!-- JavaScript Pt. 1: HightlightJS (get and load): Code highlighting-->
<script src="./res/js/highlight.pack.js"></script>
// Checking if the navigation drawer is enabled. If not -> skip it
if ($nav_drawer == "yes") {
<div class="overlay"></div> <!-- Darken the background when fading the drawer in. See also the JS file-->
<div class="nav">
<div class="nav-close">
<img src="./res/img/close-dark.svg" class="nav-close-img" alt="Close"/>
<div class="divider"></div>
$blogs = scandir("./blogs/"); // Getting everything from the blog directory
if (!isset($getarticle) && !isset($gettag) && sizeof($blogs) > 3) { // Checking if not in article or tag view and if there are more the one blog. The 3 is for these three array entries: '', '.', '..'
echo "<section>";
echo "<div class='nav-item-static'>" . $BLOGLANG['Blogs on'] . " $blogtitle:</div>"; // 1. Set localized string 2. Set blogtitle
foreach ($blogs as $navblog) { // iterating through the blogs/ directory
if (strlen($navblog) >= 3 && substr($navblog, -3) == ".md") { // check if filename is larger than three chars and if the file ends with ".md"
if ($getblog == "") { // Run when on main blog
if ($navblog != "") { // excluding main blog
BlogListGenerator::listBlog("./blogs/", $navblog, $blogtitle); // creating navigation item
} else {
if ($getblog . ".md" != $navblog) { // Check if $blog is current blog -> this blog will be excluded
BlogListGenerator::listBlog("./blogs/", $navblog, $blogmaintitle); // creating navigation item
echo "</section>";
} elseif (isset($getarticle) || isset($gettag)) { // If viewing a blog or a tag
<a class="nav-item" onclick="goBack()">Go back</a> <!-- Set a back item instead of the blogs. -->
if ($bloghome == "yes") { // If a blog home is existend
<div class="divider"></div>
<a class="nav-item" href="<?php echo $bloghomeurl; ?>"><?php echo $bloghomename; ?></a>
</div> <!-- End of the navigation drawer-->
} // Endif from line 97; Yes, I really should think about alternative syntax...
<div class="main"> <!-- Main page with content -->
<div class="header">
<!-- Action Bar, but since there isn't much action I call it header. One day a search feature would be nice...-->
<img src="./res/img/menu.svg" class="nav-img"/> <!-- Ham,ham,hamburger-->
<!-- Blog title with subblog title and links to each one-->
<nobr><span class="title"><a href="./"><?php echo $blogtitle; ?><!-- link to main blog-->
if (empty($getblog)) { // if not on a subblog
if (!empty($blogmainname)) {
echo "" . $blogmainname; // If you see a (square) here : This is not a bug, but a missing sign in your font
} else { // On subblog: set also a link to the subblog
<a href="<?php echo "./?blog=$getblog" ?>">
echo BlogListGenerator::getName("./blogs/$"); // get the blog name
<div class="fadeout"></div>
<!-- if the blog name is to long (especially on mobile devices), a fadeout fades the test out at the end of the header-->
// Blog Intro text
if (file_exists("blogs/$") && $getarticle == "" && $blogintro == "yes" && $gettag == "") { // only shown if not in article or tag view and if the blogintro is enabled
$file = file_get_contents("blogs/$"); // get content of the blog file
$file = $file . "\n"; // add a line break. necessary if the editor didn't make one while saving
$file = substr($file, strpos($file, "\n")); // basically removing the first line, which contains the blog title
if (strlen($file) > 3) { // if there is no content, don't show the intro
<section class="card" id="intro">
<div class="articletext">
<?php // generate the html text from the markdown file
$intro = Parsedown::instance()
->setBreaksEnabled(true)// with linebreaks
echo $intro; // PRINTS THE SH****
if (isset($gettag)) { // if there's a tag -> tag view
$articles = scandir($articlesdir, 1); // save the content of the directory in the articles variable
foreach ($articles as $article) { // iterate through all articles
$tags = ArticleGenerator::getTags($articlesdir, $article); // get the article tags
if (in_array($gettag, $tags)) { // if the article has the requested tag
if (strlen($article) >= 3 && substr($article, -3) == ".md") { // check if the file is a article file
ArticleGenerator::newArticle($articlesdir, $article, $getblog); // generate the article
} elseif ($getarticle == "") { // NORMAL VIEW if there's no article request -> normal view
$articles = scandir($articlesdir, 1); // save the content of the directory in the articles variable
foreach ($articles as $article) { // iterate through this variable
if (strlen($article) >= 3 && substr($article, -3) == ".md") { // check if the file is a article file
ArticleGenerator::newArticle($articlesdir, $article, $getblog); // generate the article
} elseif (isset($getarticle)) { // ARTICLE VIEW
ArticleGenerator::newArticle($articlesdir, $getarticle . ".md", $getblog); // generate the requested article
include './res/php/Disqus.php'; // include disques
echo "Some error occured, please go back.";
<div class="footer">
<?php echo $blogfooter; //print the blog footer?>
// show the fab if it's enabled
if ($sharefab == "yes") {
<div class="fabmenu">
<div class="subfab"><!--Email subfab-->
<a href='mailto:?subject=<?php echo $blogtitle; ?>&body=<?php echo $BLOGLANG['Check out this blog']; ?>: <?php echo $url; ?>'
<img src="./res/img/email.svg" class="subfab-img"/>
<div class="subfab"><!--twitter subfav-->
<a href='<?php echo $BLOGLANG['Check out']; ?>: <?php echo $url; ?>&original_referer='
<img src="./res/img/twitter.svg" class="subfab-img"/>
<div class="subfab"><!--gplus subfab-->
<a href='<?php echo $url; ?>&hl=en-US' target="blank">
<img src="./res/img/gplus.svg" class="subfab-img"/>
<div class="subfab"><!--facebook subfab-->
<a href='<?php echo $url; ?>&t=<?php echo "echo $blogtitle" ?>'
<img src="./res/img/facebook.svg" class="subfab-img"/>
<div class="fab"><!-- share fab-->
<img src="./res/img/share.svg" class="fab-img" alt="Share"/>
<script src="./res/js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script> <!-- include jquery-->
<script src="./res/js/app.js"></script> <!--include main javascript-->
<!-- JS extension support -->
$extensions = scandir('./extensions');
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
if (substr($extension, -3) == ".js") {
echo "<script src='./extensions/$extension'></script>";
require './res/php/GoogleAnalytics.php'; // include google analytics