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namespace OAuth2\Controller;
use OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface;
use OAuth2\ScopeInterface;
use OAuth2\RequestInterface;
use OAuth2\ResponseInterface;
use OAuth2\Scope;
* @see OAuth2\Controller\AuthorizeControllerInterface
class AuthorizeController implements AuthorizeControllerInterface
private $scope;
private $state;
private $client_id;
private $redirect_uri;
private $response_type;
protected $clientStorage;
protected $responseTypes;
protected $config;
protected $scopeUtil;
* @param OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface $clientStorage REQUIRED Instance of OAuth2\Storage\ClientInterface to retrieve client information
* @param array $responseTypes OPTIONAL Array of OAuth2\ResponseType\ResponseTypeInterface objects. Valid array
* keys are "code" and "token"
* @param array $config OPTIONAL Configuration options for the server
* <code>
* $config = array(
* 'allow_implicit' => false, // if the controller should allow the "implicit" grant type
* 'enforce_state' => true // if the controller should require the "state" parameter
* 'require_exact_redirect_uri' => true, // if the controller should require an exact match on the "redirect_uri" parameter
* 'redirect_status_code' => 302, // HTTP status code to use for redirect responses
* );
* </code>
* @param OAuth2\ScopeInterface $scopeUtil OPTIONAL Instance of OAuth2\ScopeInterface to validate the requested scope
public function __construct(ClientInterface $clientStorage, array $responseTypes = array(), array $config = array(), ScopeInterface $scopeUtil = null)
$this->clientStorage = $clientStorage;
$this->responseTypes = $responseTypes;
$this->config = array_merge(array(
'allow_implicit' => false,
'enforce_state' => true,
'require_exact_redirect_uri' => true,
'redirect_status_code' => 302,
), $config);
if (is_null($scopeUtil)) {
$scopeUtil = new Scope();
$this->scopeUtil = $scopeUtil;
public function handleAuthorizeRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $is_authorized, $user_id = null)
if (!is_bool($is_authorized)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Argument "is_authorized" must be a boolean. This method must know if the user has granted access to the client.');
// We repeat this, because we need to re-validate. The request could be POSTed
// by a 3rd-party (because we are not internally enforcing NONCEs, etc)
if (!$this->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $response)) {
// If no redirect_uri is passed in the request, use client's registered one
if (empty($this->redirect_uri)) {
$clientData = $this->clientStorage->getClientDetails($this->client_id);
$registered_redirect_uri = $clientData['redirect_uri'];
// the user declined access to the client's application
if ($is_authorized === false) {
$redirect_uri = $this->redirect_uri ?: $registered_redirect_uri;
$this->setNotAuthorizedResponse($request, $response, $redirect_uri, $user_id);
// build the parameters to set in the redirect URI
if (!$params = $this->buildAuthorizeParameters($request, $response, $user_id)) {
$authResult = $this->responseTypes[$this->response_type]->getAuthorizeResponse($params, $user_id);
list($redirect_uri, $uri_params) = $authResult;
if (empty($redirect_uri) && !empty($registered_redirect_uri)) {
$redirect_uri = $registered_redirect_uri;
$uri = $this->buildUri($redirect_uri, $uri_params);
// return redirect response
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $uri);
protected function setNotAuthorizedResponse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, $redirect_uri, $user_id = null)
$error = 'access_denied';
$error_message = 'The user denied access to your application';
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $this->state, $error, $error_message);
* We have made this protected so this class can be extended to add/modify
* these parameters
protected function buildAuthorizeParameters($request, $response, $user_id)
// @TODO: we should be explicit with this in the future
$params = array(
'scope' => $this->scope,
'state' => $this->state,
'client_id' => $this->client_id,
'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri,
'response_type' => $this->response_type,
return $params;
public function validateAuthorizeRequest(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
// Make sure a valid client id was supplied (we can not redirect because we were unable to verify the URI)
if (!$client_id = $request->query('client_id', $request->request('client_id'))) {
// We don't have a good URI to use
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_client', "No client id supplied");
return false;
// Get client details
if (!$clientData = $this->clientStorage->getClientDetails($client_id)) {
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_client', 'The client id supplied is invalid');
return false;
$registered_redirect_uri = isset($clientData['redirect_uri']) ? $clientData['redirect_uri'] : '';
// Make sure a valid redirect_uri was supplied. If specified, it must match the clientData URI.
// @see
// @see
// @see
if ($supplied_redirect_uri = $request->query('redirect_uri', $request->request('redirect_uri'))) {
// validate there is no fragment supplied
$parts = parse_url($supplied_redirect_uri);
if (isset($parts['fragment']) && $parts['fragment']) {
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_uri', 'The redirect URI must not contain a fragment');
return false;
// validate against the registered redirect uri(s) if available
if ($registered_redirect_uri && !$this->validateRedirectUri($supplied_redirect_uri, $registered_redirect_uri)) {
$response->setError(400, 'redirect_uri_mismatch', 'The redirect URI provided is missing or does not match', '#section-3.1.2');
return false;
$redirect_uri = $supplied_redirect_uri;
} else {
// use the registered redirect_uri if none has been supplied, if possible
if (!$registered_redirect_uri) {
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_uri', 'No redirect URI was supplied or stored');
return false;
if (count(explode(' ', $registered_redirect_uri)) > 1) {
$response->setError(400, 'invalid_uri', 'A redirect URI must be supplied when multiple redirect URIs are registered', '#section-');
return false;
$redirect_uri = $registered_redirect_uri;
// Select the redirect URI
$response_type = $request->query('response_type', $request->request('response_type'));
// for multiple-valued response types - make them alphabetical
if (false !== strpos($response_type, ' ')) {
$types = explode(' ', $response_type);
$response_type = ltrim(implode(' ', $types));
$state = $request->query('state', $request->request('state'));
// type and client_id are required
if (!$response_type || !in_array($response_type, $this->getValidResponseTypes())) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'invalid_request', 'Invalid or missing response type', null);
return false;
if ($response_type == self::RESPONSE_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE) {
if (!isset($this->responseTypes['code'])) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'unsupported_response_type', 'authorization code grant type not supported', null);
return false;
if (!$this->clientStorage->checkRestrictedGrantType($client_id, 'authorization_code')) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'unauthorized_client', 'The grant type is unauthorized for this client_id', null);
return false;
if ($this->responseTypes['code']->enforceRedirect() && !$redirect_uri) {
$response->setError(400, 'redirect_uri_mismatch', 'The redirect URI is mandatory and was not supplied');
return false;
} else {
if (!$this->config['allow_implicit']) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'unsupported_response_type', 'implicit grant type not supported', null);
return false;
if (!$this->clientStorage->checkRestrictedGrantType($client_id, 'implicit')) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'unauthorized_client', 'The grant type is unauthorized for this client_id', null);
return false;
// validate requested scope if it exists
$requestedScope = $this->scopeUtil->getScopeFromRequest($request);
if ($requestedScope) {
// restrict scope by client specific scope if applicable,
// otherwise verify the scope exists
$clientScope = $this->clientStorage->getClientScope($client_id);
if ((is_null($clientScope) && !$this->scopeUtil->scopeExists($requestedScope))
|| ($clientScope && !$this->scopeUtil->checkScope($requestedScope, $clientScope))) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'invalid_scope', 'An unsupported scope was requested', null);
return false;
} else {
// use a globally-defined default scope
$defaultScope = $this->scopeUtil->getDefaultScope($client_id);
if (false === $defaultScope) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, $state, 'invalid_client', 'This application requires you specify a scope parameter', null);
return false;
$requestedScope = $defaultScope;
// Validate state parameter exists (if configured to enforce this)
if ($this->config['enforce_state'] && !$state) {
$response->setRedirect($this->config['redirect_status_code'], $redirect_uri, null, 'invalid_request', 'The state parameter is required');
return false;
// save the input data and return true
$this->scope = $requestedScope;
$this->state = $state;
$this->client_id = $client_id;
// Only save the SUPPLIED redirect URI (@see
$this->redirect_uri = $supplied_redirect_uri;
$this->response_type = $response_type;
return true;
* Build the absolute URI based on supplied URI and parameters.
* @param $uri An absolute URI.
* @param $params Parameters to be append as GET.
* @return
* An absolute URI with supplied parameters.
* @ingroup oauth2_section_4
private function buildUri($uri, $params)
$parse_url = parse_url($uri);
// Add our params to the parsed uri
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
if (isset($parse_url[$k])) {
$parse_url[$k] .= "&" . http_build_query($v, '', '&');
} else {
$parse_url[$k] = http_build_query($v, '', '&');
// Put humpty dumpty back together
((isset($parse_url["scheme"])) ? $parse_url["scheme"] . "://" : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["user"])) ? $parse_url["user"]
. ((isset($parse_url["pass"])) ? ":" . $parse_url["pass"] : "") . "@" : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["host"])) ? $parse_url["host"] : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["port"])) ? ":" . $parse_url["port"] : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["path"])) ? $parse_url["path"] : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["query"]) && !empty($parse_url['query'])) ? "?" . $parse_url["query"] : "")
. ((isset($parse_url["fragment"])) ? "#" . $parse_url["fragment"] : "")
protected function getValidResponseTypes()
return array(
* Internal method for validating redirect URI supplied
* @param string $inputUri The submitted URI to be validated
* @param string $registeredUriString The allowed URI(s) to validate against. Can be a space-delimited string of URIs to
* allow for multiple URIs
* @see
protected function validateRedirectUri($inputUri, $registeredUriString)
if (!$inputUri || !$registeredUriString) {
return false; // if either one is missing, assume INVALID
$registered_uris = preg_split('/\s+/', $registeredUriString);
foreach ($registered_uris as $registered_uri) {
if ($this->config['require_exact_redirect_uri']) {
// the input uri is validated against the registered uri using exact match
if (strcmp($inputUri, $registered_uri) === 0) {
return true;
} else {
// the input uri is validated against the registered uri using case-insensitive match of the initial string
// i.e. additional query parameters may be applied
if (strcasecmp(substr($inputUri, 0, strlen($registered_uri)), $registered_uri) === 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Convenience methods to access the parameters derived from the validated request
public function getScope()
return $this->scope;
public function getState()
return $this->state;
public function getClientId()
return $this->client_id;
public function getRedirectUri()
return $this->redirect_uri;
public function getResponseType()
return $this->response_type;