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mmk2410 6e6e26ad26 Delete Posts
Edit Posts
Back to blog
2015-12-06 15:19:16 +01:00

72 lines
2.4 KiB

* Created by mmk2410 on 12/6/15.
* JavaScript for the functionality to delete blogs
function main() {
// listener and function for recieving the posts of the selected blogs
$("#edit_get_posts").click(function () {
var selectedBlog = $("#edit_selected_blog").val();
$.get("res/get_posts.php", {
blog: selectedBlog
}, function (data) {
$("#edit_get_posts").after("<p id='edit_select_post'></p>");
$("#edit_get_posts").after("<p id='edit_select_post_info'>Now select the post you want to edit.</p>");
$("#edit_select_post").append("<select id='edit_selected_post'></select>");
$.each($.parseJSON(data), function (index, value) {
var post = value.substring(0, value.length - 3);
$("#edit_selected_post").append("<option value='" + post + "'>" + post + "</option>");
$("#edit_select_post").after("<a class='button' id='edit_post_button' " +
"onclick='editPostButton()'>EDIT POST</a>")
$("#save_changes").click(function () {
var postTitle = $("#title").val();
var postDate = $("#date").val();
var postAuthor = $("#author").val();
var postTags = $("#tags").val();
var postText = $("#text").val();
var file = "../../articles/" + getVariables['blog'] + "/" + getVariables['post'] + ".md";
$.post("../res/save.php", {
title: postTitle,
date: postDate,
author: postAuthor,
tags: postTags,
text: postText,
file: file
}, function (data) {
if (data == "0") {
alert("File successfully changed.");"../");
} else if (data == "1") {
alert("Error while saving the changes.");
} else if (data == "-1") {
* Delete the selected posts
function editPostButton() {
var selectedBlog = $("#edit_selected_blog").val();
var selectedPost = $("#edit_selected_post").val();
var href = "./edit/?blog=" + selectedBlog + "&post=" + selectedPost;;