# Rangitaki Rangitaki is a simple to use and easy to configure PHP blogging engine in php without any database dependencies. ##Features: - Post writing in XML and Markdown - subpages for each article - social sharing buttons - Disqus integration - simple end user configuration ##Future Features: - publishing on a set time - tags ## Example You can find a example blog under [marcel-kapfer.de/pBlog](http://marcel-kapfer.de/rangitaki/blog/) ## Used Libraries - [Parsedown](http://parsedown.org) ## More information - [Trello Board](https://trello.com/b/7qb5I6EQ/rangitaki) - [Google+ Profile from Marcel Michael Kapfer](plus.google.com/+MarcelMichaelKapfer) - [Twitter Profile from Marcel Michael Kapfer](twitter.com/MarcelKapfer) - [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/rangitaki)