# Upload ## Usage This component simplifies file validation and uploading. Assume a file is uploaded with this HTML form:
When the HTML form is submitted, the server-side PHP code can validate and upload the file like this: setName($new_filename); // Validate file upload // MimeType List => http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/mime-types.shtml $file->addValidations(array( // Ensure file is of type "image/png" new \Upload\Validation\Mimetype('image/png'), // Ensure file is no larger than 5M (use "B", "K", M", or "G") new \Upload\Validation\Size('5M') )); // Access data about the file that has been uploaded $data = array( 'name' => $file->getNameWithExtension(), 'extension' => $file->getExtension(), 'mime' => $file->getMimetype(), 'size' => $file->getSize(), 'md5' => $file->getMd5(), 'dimensions' => $file->getDimensions() ); // Try to upload file try { // Success! $file->upload(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Fail! $errors = $file->getErrors(); } ## How to Install Install composer in your project: curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php Create a composer.json file in your project root: { "require": { "codeguy/upload": "*" } } Install via composer: php composer.phar install ## Author [Josh Lockhart](https://github.com/codeguy) ## License MIT Public License