#!/bin/bash # Script for updating Rangitaki 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 # WARNING: Rangitaki 1.1.0 is for testing purposes only echo "WARNING: You're about to install a testing version of Rangitaki." read -r -p "Do you want to continue? (y/N) " answer if [[ "$answer" == "y" || "$answer" == "Y" ]]; then # Getting the up to date version mkdir ./rbe-new cd ./rbe-new || exit wget -c https://github.com/mmk2410/Rangitaki/archive/v1.1.0.zip unzip v1.1.0.zip rm v1.1.0.zip mv ./Rangitaki-1.1.0/* ./ rm ./Rangitaki-1.1.0 cd ../ || exit # Creating temporary directory mkdir rbe-tmp # Updating rcc cp ./rcc/password.php ./rbe-tmp/ rm -rf ./rcc mv ./rbe-new/rcc ./ rm ./rcc/password.php mv ./rbe-tmp/password.php ./rcc/ # Updating ressources rm -rf ./res mv ./rbe-new/res ./ # Updating index.php rm ./index.php mv ./rbe-new/index.php ./ # Updating themes rm ./themes/material-light.css mv ./rbe-new/themes/material-light.css ./themes # cleaning up rm -rf ./rbe-new rm -rf ./rbe-tmp fi