privateKey = << $client_id, 'exp' => time() + 1000, 'iat' => time(), 'sub' => '', 'aud' => '', 'scope' => null, ); $encoded = $jwtUtil->encode($params, $this->privateKey, 'RS256'); // test BC behaviour of trusting the algorithm in the header $payload = $jwtUtil->decode($encoded, $client_key, array('RS256')); $this->assertEquals($params, $payload); // test BC behaviour of not verifying by passing false $payload = $jwtUtil->decode($encoded, $client_key, false); $this->assertEquals($params, $payload); // test the new restricted algorithms header $payload = $jwtUtil->decode($encoded, $client_key, array('RS256')); $this->assertEquals($params, $payload); } public function testInvalidJwt() { $jwtUtil = new FirebaseJwt(); $this->assertFalse($jwtUtil->decode('goob')); $this->assertFalse($jwtUtil->decode('go.o.b')); } /** @dataProvider provideClientCredentials */ public function testInvalidJwtHeader($client_id, $client_key) { $jwtUtil = new FirebaseJwt(); $params = array( 'iss' => $client_id, 'exp' => time() + 1000, 'iat' => time(), 'sub' => '', 'aud' => '', 'scope' => null, ); // testing for algorithm tampering when only RSA256 signing is allowed // @see $tampered = $jwtUtil->encode($params, $client_key, 'HS256'); $payload = $jwtUtil->decode($tampered, $client_key, array('RS256')); $this->assertFalse($payload); } public function provideClientCredentials() { $storage = Bootstrap::getInstance()->getMemoryStorage(); $client_id = 'Test Client ID'; $client_key = $storage->getClientKey($client_id, ""); return array( array($client_id, $client_key), ); } }