
namespace FastRoute\RouteParser;

class StdTest extends \PhpUnit_Framework_TestCase {
    /** @dataProvider provideTestParse */
    public function testParse($routeString, $expectedRouteDatas) {
        $parser = new Std();
        $routeDatas = $parser->parse($routeString);
        $this->assertSame($expectedRouteDatas, $routeDatas);

    /** @dataProvider provideTestParseError */
    public function testParseError($routeString, $expectedExceptionMessage) {
        $parser = new Std();
        $this->setExpectedException('FastRoute\\BadRouteException', $expectedExceptionMessage);

    public function provideTestParse() {
        return [
                    ['/test/', ['param', '[^/]+']],
                '/te{ param }st',
                    ['/te', ['param', '[^/]+'], 'st']
                    ['/test/', ['param1', '[^/]+'], '/test2/', ['param2', '[^/]+']]
                    ['/test/', ['param', '\d+']]
                '/test/{ param : \d{1,9} }',
                    ['/test/', ['param', '\d{1,9}']]
                    ['/test/', ['param', '[^/]+']],
                    ['/', ['param', '[^/]+']],
                    ['/', ['param', '[^/]+'], 'opt']
                    ['/test/', ['name', '[^/]+']],
                    ['/test/', ['name', '[^/]+'], '/', ['id', '[0-9]+']],

    public function provideTestParseError() {
        return [
                "Number of opening '[' and closing ']' does not match"
                "Number of opening '[' and closing ']' does not match"
                "Number of opening '[' and closing ']' does not match"
                "Empty optional part"
                "Empty optional part"