Version 1.2 8th February 2015 In this Version code is better designed so you can read and recognise it better. This is a code example: ``scp -r *`` Version 1.1 24th February 2015 After I published the Version 1.0 last sunday I realized some problems with german umlauts. Now I added a function that converts every umlaut (ü, Ü, ä, Ä, ö, Ö and ß) into the html code. Version 1.0 22nd February 2015 Today I'm proud to announce the **Version 1.0** of the pBlog - a simple PHP, XML and Markdown based blogging engine which is completly independent from any databases. Even if this is the version 1.0 it is still in a early state of development. Version 1.0 has the following features: - Blog writing in XML - Content in Markdown - Static intro in Markdown Version 0.3 20th February 2015 This is the Version *0.3* of pBlog. It comes with the following changes: - Complete Markdown Support - Design fixes - a mainlink is no longer required Version 0.2 20th February 2015 The following things are new in this version: - Design - Better structur - cleaned up More will come when it is ready! This is the version *0.2*. index.php Reload GitHub Blog (Experimental) 13th February 2015 This is a test version in a early state of the new **blog engine**. By now it supports following things: - Markdown - Mainlink and various other links More will come when it is ready! This is the version *0.1*. index.php Reload GitHub