Version 2.0 27th March 2015 This version introduces some very imporant features: - **Own page for every article** - Social **sharing buttons** (at the moment: google+, twitter, facebook but more will follow) - **Disqus** integration - Local **config file** -> no more editing the index file pBlog 2.0 is only partially compatible with prior versions. You don't have to change anything in the posts or intro file (in case you have one), but to switch to version 2.0 you have to replace your index.php with the new one. With this step all your settings like the title will be lost and you have to set them in the new config.php file. For more questions write me a mail to In the near future I will spend more time in writing a documentation about the blog engine and adding more comments (especially in the css file). GitHub Version 1.2 8th March 2015 In this Version code is better designed so you can read and recognise it better. This is a code example: ``scp -r *`` Version 1.1 24th February 2015 After I published the Version 1.0 last sunday I realized some problems with german umlauts. Now I added a function that converts every umlaut (ü, Ü, ä, Ä, ö, Ö and ß) into the html code. Version 1.0 22nd February 2015 Today I'm proud to announce the **Version 1.0** of the pBlog - a simple PHP, XML and Markdown based blogging engine which is completly independent from any databases. Even if this is the version 1.0 it is still in a early state of development. Version 1.0 has the following features: - Blog writing in XML - Content in Markdown - Static intro in Markdown Version 0.3 20th February 2015 This is the Version *0.3* of pBlog. It comes with the following changes: - Complete Markdown Support - Design fixes - a mainlink is no longer required Version 0.2 20th February 2015 The following things are new in this version: - Design - Better structur - cleaned up More will come when it is ready! This is the version *0.2*. index.php Reload GitHub Blog (Experimental) 13th February 2015 This is a test version in a early state of the new **blog engine**. By now it supports following things: - Markdown - Mainlink and various other links More will come when it is ready! This is the version *0.1*. index.php Reload GitHub