# pBlog This is a small php blog engine with **markdown support** At the moment it doesn't contain much features, but more will follow. ## Goal The goal is to create a simple blog engine. The blog posts should be written using (a) xml file(s) and the page should be prepared with a javascript program. ## Features - Post writing in XML and Markdown - Markdown support - Code support - German umlaut's support - Intro page (Markdown) As you may guess: Version 1.0 will be released soon :D ## Planned Features - special url actions (blog.html?xyz , blog.html#xyz) - publishing on a set time - Tags ## More information - [Trello Board](https://trello.com/b/7qb5I6EQ/blog-engine) - [Google+ Profile from Marcel Michael Kapfer](plus.google.com/+MarcelMichaelKapfer) - [Twitter Profile from Marcel Michael Kapfer](twitter.com/MarcelKapfer)