
1.9.0 alpha\n


Marcel Michael Kapfer\n






GNU GPL v3.0\n


If you found a bug, please write me a mail to marcelmichaelkapfer@yahoo.co.nz with a short description of the problem.\n


\nHow to
You can find a detailed guide on marcel-kapfer.de/writtenmorse/\#howto_desktop\n

\nMissing Code
If you discovered, that a code is missing, then write me a mail to marcelmichaelkapfer@yahoo.co.nz and tell me about it.\n


\n\n aboutUpdateAvailable=Update available aboutUpdateAvailableButton=Install Update inputText=Enter your text tabAbout=About tabNormalMorse=Normal Morse title=Morse Converter update-error=There was an error while getting the current directory. update-no-connection=The connection to the server was not possible.\nTry again later. update-not-successful=Update not successful update-successful=Update successful.\nPlease restart the software to activate the changes. updateAvailable=An Update is available\!\nGo to the 'About' section for more. updateButton=Check for updates updateDialogClose=Close updateDialogNewVersion=A new version of the Morse Converter is available. updateDialogUpToDateText=You're running the latest version. updateDialogUpdateQuestion=Do you want to download and install it?