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mmk2410 febe5a9eec Version 0.2 beta
This is the beta version of the Morse Converter for the web. It is a complete rewrite and now a full webapp using Polymer. It supports all the features of the desktop and the android version.
2015-08-29 23:16:45 +02:00

523 lines
11 KiB

getWrittenMorseDecoded = (input) ->
# Well, this shouldn't happen...
if !(input)
return null
# remove trailing whitspaces
if input.charAt input.length is " "
input.substring 0, input.length - 1
input = input.toUpperCase()
output = ""
# Return special signs
if input is "LETTERSPACE"
return "#"
else if input is "END OF WORK"
return "000101"
else if input is "ERROR"
return "00000000"
else if input is "STARTING SIGNAL"
return "10101"
else if input is "ENDING SIGNAL"
return "01010"
else if input is "UNDERSTOOD"
return "00010"
else if input is "WAIT"
return "01000"
else if input is "SOS"
return "000111000"
else if input is "LETTER SPACE"
return "#"
else if input is "WORD SPACE"
return "+"
else # the converting part
while input.length > 0
if input.charAt(0) is " "
if output.charAt(output.length) is "#"
output = output.substring 0, output.length - 1
output += "+"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "\n"
output += "<br>"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "A"
output += "01#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "B"
output += "1000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "C"
output += "1010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "D"
output += "100#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "E"
output += "0#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "F"
output += "0010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "G"
output += "110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "H"
output += "0000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "I"
output += "00#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "J"
output += "0111#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "K"
output += "101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "L"
output += "0100#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "M"
output += "11#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "N"
output += "10#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "O"
output += "111#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "P"
output += "0110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Q"
output += "1101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "R"
output += "010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "S"
output += "000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "T"
output += "1#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "U"
output += "001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "V"
output += "0001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "W"
output += "011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "X"
output += "1001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Y"
output += "1011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Z"
output += "1100#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "0"
output += "11111#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "1"
output += "01111#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "2"
output += "00111#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "3"
output += "00011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "4"
output += "00001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "5"
output += "00000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "6"
output += "10000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "7"
output += "11000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "8"
output += "11100#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "9"
output += "11110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Ä"
output += "0101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Ö"
output += "1110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "Ü"
output += "0011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "ß"
output += "00011000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "."
output += "010101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is ","
output += "110011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is ":"
output += "111000#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is ""
output += "101010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "?"
output += "001100#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "!"
output += "101011#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "-"
output += "100001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "_"
output += "001101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "("
output += "10110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is ")"
output += "101101#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "="
output += "10001#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "+"
output += "01010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "/"
output += "10010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "@"
output += "011010#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "'"
output += "011110#"
input = input.substring 1
else if input.charAt(0) is "$"
output += "0001001#"
input = input.substring 1
return "Code not listed or wrong."
if output.charAt(output.length - 1) is "#"
output = output.substring 0, output.length - 1
return output
getWrittenMorseEncoded = (input) ->
# Well, this shouldn't happen...
if !(input) then return null
# remove trailing whitspaces
while input.charAt(input.length - 1) is " "
input = input.substring 0, input.length - 1
input = input.toUpperCase()
while input.charAt(input.length - 1) is "#" or
input.charAt(input.length - 1) is "+" or
input.charAt(input.length - 1) is "\n"
input = input.substring 0, input.length - 1
if input.charAt(input.length - 1) isnt "#"
input += "#"
inputToSign = input
output = ""
while inputToSign isnt "#"
d = 0
signFull = true
sign = ""
while signFull
if inputToSign.charAt(d) is "+" or
inputToSign.charAt(d) is "#" or
inputToSign.charAt(0) is "\n"
if d is 0
if inputToSign.charAt(0) is "+"
output += " "
inputToSign = inputToSign.substring 1, inputToSign.length
if inputToSign.charAt(0) is "#"
inputToSign = inputToSign.substring 1, inputToSign.length
if inputToSign.charAt(0) is "\n"
output += "<br>"
inputToSign = inputToSign.substring 1, inputToSign.length
sign = inputToSign.substring 0, d
inputToSign = inputToSign.substring d, inputToSign.length
signFull = false
if sign is "01"
output += "A"
else if sign is "1000"
output += "B"
else if sign is "1010"
output += "C"
else if sign is "100"
output += "D"
else if sign is "0"
output += "E"
else if sign is "0010"
output += "F"
else if sign is "110"
output += "G"
else if sign is "0000"
output += "H"
else if sign is "00"
output += "I"
else if sign is "0111"
output += "J"
else if sign is "101"
output += "K"
else if sign is "0100"
output += "L"
else if sign is "11"
output += "M"
else if sign is "10"
output += "N"
else if sign is "111"
output += "O"
else if sign is "0110"
output += "P"
else if sign is "1101"
output += "Q"
else if sign is "010"
output += "R"
else if sign is "000"
output += "S"
else if sign is "1"
output += "T"
else if sign is "001"
output += "U"
else if sign is "0001"
output += "V"
else if sign is "011"
output += "W"
else if sign is "1001"
output += "X"
else if sign is "1011"
output += "Y"
else if sign is "1100"
output += "Z"
else if sign is "11111"
output += "0"
else if sign is "01111"
output += "1"
else if sign is "00111"
output += "2"
else if sign is "00011"
output += "3"
else if sign is "00001"
output += "4"
else if sign is "00000"
output += "5"
else if sign is "10000"
output += "6"
else if sign is "11000"
output += "7"
else if sign is "11100"
output += "8"
else if sign is "11110"
output += "9"
else if sign is "0101"
output += "Ä"
else if sign is "1110"
output += "Ö"
else if sign is "0011"
output += "Ü"
else if sign is "00011000"
output += "ß"
else if sign is "1111"
output += "CH"
else if sign is "010101"
output += "."
else if sign is "110011"
output += ","
else if sign is "111000"
output += ":"
else if sign is "101010"
output += ";"
else if sign is "001100"
output += "?"
else if sign is "101011"
output += "!"
else if sign is "100001"
output += "-"
else if sign is "001101"
output += "_"
else if sign is "10110"
output += "("
else if sign is "101101"
output += ")"
else if sign is "011110"
output += "'"
else if sign is "10001"
output += "="
else if sign is "01010"
output += "+"
else if sign is "10010"
output += "/"
else if sign is "011010"
output += "@"
else if sign is "10101"
output += "Begin of the signal"
else if sign is "10001"
output += "Wait"
else if sign is "00010"
output += "Understood"
else if sign is "000101"
output += "End of work"
else if sign is "000111000"
output += "SOS"
else if sign is "00000000"
output += "Error"
return "Code not listed or wrong."
return output