# [Morse Converter (web)](https://marcel-kapfer.de/writtenmorse/morseconverter) This is a Morse and [writtenMorse](https://marcel-kapfer.de/writtenmorse) converter for the web. With mobile-first in mind I tried to create a beautiful converting experience. The webapp comes with [Material design](https://google.com/design) and with enhanced features (like instant converting) to simplify the converting time. ## Use it The webapp can be accessed at [marcel-kapfer.de/writtenmorse/morseconverter](https://marcel-kapfer.de/writtenmorse/morseconverter). ## Contribute 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Write your code and the tests for it. 4. Check if the code passes the tests. (`pub run text`). A code which does not passes the tests will not merged. 5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 7. Create New Pull Request ## Build You need the following programs installed on your computer: ``` npm, bower, gulp, dart2js ``` To see your changes run the first time: ``` npm install && bower install ``` Now change to `app/scripts/` and compile the `MorseConverter.dart`: ``` dart2js -m MorseConverter.dart -o MorseConverter.js ``` and then rebuild the webapp with: ``` gulp ``` The webapp is accessible in the `dist/` directory. A development server can be started with ``` gulp serve ```