87 lines
3.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-03-17 22:34:51 +01:00
use Highlight\Highlighter;
use JohannSchopplich\HTML5DOMDocument;
use Kirby\Cms\App;
return [
'kirbytext:after' => function (string|null $text) {
$kirby = App::instance();
// Parse KirbyText input as HTML document
$dom = new HTML5DOMDocument();
// Retrieve all `pre` elements inside newly created HTML document
$preNodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('pre');
// Bail if no `pre` elements have been found
if ($preNodes->length === 0) {
return $text;
// Loop through all `pre` elements
foreach ($preNodes as $preNode) {
// Ensure nothing but the `code` element exists
if ($preNode->childNodes->length !== 1) {
// Select direct `code` child element of `pre` block
$codeNode = $preNode->firstChild;
// Get language code if present
$language = $codeNode->getAttribute('class');
if (str_starts_with($language, 'language-')) {
$language = preg_replace('/^language-/', '', $language);
// Bail highlighting if language isn't set and auto detection is disabled
if (empty($language) && !$kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.autodetect', false)) {
// Add `hljs` class to `pre` block
$preNode->setAttribute('class', $kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.class', 'hljs'));
// Get raw code data to highlight
$code = $codeNode->nodeValue;
// Remove code element afterwards
// Initiate `Highlighter` and use pre-defined language code, fall
// back to language auto detection if enabled
$highlighter = new Highlighter();
// Highlight code
if (!empty($language)) {
$highlightedCode = $highlighter->highlight($language, $code);
} elseif ($kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.autodetect', false)) {
$languageSubset = $kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.languages', []);
if (!empty($languageSubset)) {
$highlightedCode = $highlighter->highlightAuto($code);
// Line numbering
if ($kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.line-numbering', false)) {
$lines = preg_split('/\R/', $highlightedCode->value);
$lineClass = $kirby->option('johannschopplich.highlighter.line-numbering-class', 'hljs-code-line');
$highlightedCode->value = '<span class="' . $lineClass . '">' . implode("</span>\n<span class=\"$lineClass\">", $lines) . '</span>';
// Append highlighted wrapped in `code` block to parent `pre`
$codeNode = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
$codeNode->appendXML('<code data-language="' . $language . '">' . $highlightedCode->value . '</code>');
// Save all changes
$text = $dom->saveHTML(null, true);
return $text;