#+title: FreshRSS2Linkding One-Way-Synchronization of your starred FreshRSS items to Linkding. * Requirements - [[https://linkding.link/][Linkding]] instance. - [[https://www.freshrss.org/][FreshRSS]] instance - Python 3 * Features - Adds starred FreshRSS items to your Linkding instance (including title and categories) - Removes starred items from FreshRSS * Shortcomings - None that I'm currently aware of. * Setup - Copy =config.example.json= to =config.json= and fill it out - (optional) Create a Python virtual environment with =python3 -m venv venv= and activate it - Install Python requirements with =pip install -r requirements.txt= - Execute the program with =python freshrss2linkding.py= - (optional) Set up a Cron job for running the =run.sh= (requires virtual environment) once a day with the working directory as first argument