set -x ARCHFLAGS -arch_x86_64 set -e GPG_TTY set -Ux GPG_TTY (tty) eval (thefuck --alias | tr '\n' ';') alias l="ls" alias diff='colordiff' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias more='less' alias df='df -h' alias du='du -c -h' alias mkdir='mkdir -p -v' alias nano='nano -w' alias ping='ping -c 3' alias pingtest='ping -c 3' alias dmesg='dmesg -HL' alias da='date "+%A, %B %d, %Y [%T]"' alias du1='du --max-depth=1' alias hist='history | grep' # requires an argument alias openports='ss --all --numeric --processes --ipv4 --ipv6' alias pgg='ps -Af | grep' # requires an argument alias ln='ln -i' alias chown='chown --preserve-root' alias chmod='chmod --preserve-root' alias chgrp='chgrp --preserve-root' alias cls=' echo -ne "\033c"' alias ps='ps aux k%cpu' alias new='touch' alias re='/sbin/reboot' alias off='/sbin/poweroff' alias vol='alsamixer' alias q=' exit' alias Q=' exit' alias x=' exit' alias cd..='cd ..' alias sbcl='rlwrap sbcl' alias o='xdg-open' alias nemo='nemo --no-desktop' alias dquilt="quilt --quiltrc=$HOME/.quiltrc-dpkg" alias mmk2410='~/.mmk2410' # if [ -z $SSH_CLIENT ] # ~/.mmk2410 # end if [ -z $EDITOR ] set -Ux EDITOR es end if [ -z $VISUAL ] set -Ux VISUAL es end if [ -z $GIT_EDITOR ] set -Ux GIT_EDITOR es end if [ -z $GOPATH ] set -Ux GOPATH ~/.go end if test -z $DEBFULLNAME set -Ux DEBFULLNAME "Marcel Kapfer" end if test -z $DEBEMAIL set -Ux DEBEMAIL "" end if test -z $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP set -Ux XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP GNOME end # Attach the autoscreen screen session if StumpWM is running # and it's not already in use. # if test \( -n $DESKTOP_SESSION \) -a \( $DESKTOP_SESSION = "stumpwm" \) # if screen -list | grep -q "No Sockets" # screen -dmS autoscreen # exec screen -r # else if screen -list | grep -Eq "\.autoscreen.*Detached" # exec screen -r # end # end # gpg-agent as SSH agent set -e SSH_AGENT_PID set -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK if test -z $gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by set gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by 0 end if test $gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by -ne %self set UID (id -u) set -Ux SSH_AUTH_SOCK "/run/user/$UID/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh" end gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null # Automatically start X at login # source: # This must be at the bottom of this file if status --is-login if test -z "$DISPLAY" -a $XDG_VTNR = 1 # Unlock GPG keyring befor starting X. # This makes some things easier. echo "gpg unlock" | gpg -se -r > /dev/null exec startx -- -keeptty end end