#!/bin/sh # This script intends to decrease the effort of updating the package. PACKAGE="intellij-idea-community" DISTRIBUTION="eoan" main() { last_tag=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags) old="${last_tag#?}" new="$1" name="$(git config --get user.name)" email="$(git config --get user.email)" git checkout -b version-"$new" mv "$PACKAGE"_"$old" "$PACKAGE"_"$new" mv "$PACKAGE"_"$old".orig.tar.gz "$PACKAGE"_"$new".orig.tar.gz cd "$PACKAGE"_"$new" || exit # Update the debian/changelog file with dch NAME="$name" EMAIL="$email" dch \ --newversion "$new"-1 \ --distribution "$DISTRIBUTION" \ "Upstream version $new" sed -i "s/$old/$new/g" ./debian/preinst debuild -us -uc cd .. rm "$PACKAGE"_"$old"-* # disabled until it is only called with an specific argument # sudo dpkg -i "$PACKAGE"_"$new"-1_all.deb } main "$1"